Prior to launching this website, which has already significantly changed the Black Boar landscape, none of us knew 2007 was the Chinese year of the Boar. As this website has been in planning and construction for some time the weight of the coincidence couldn’t be ignored. We couldn’t have planned it better. Upon discovering this little tidbit of information we couldn’t help but look into the implications!
It should be said that Tony is not a Boar by the Chinese Astrological Calendar. Oddly, and perhaps appropriately, the Boar’s traits and characteristics are a beautiful blend of Tony’s business ideals and his personality.
For example, the Boar is a straight dealer, and rarely accepts compromise. He is so honest that he feels guilty for the slightest error. Tony is famous for cutting a finished cue in half because it didn’t live up to his standards. In the beginning it wasn’t uncommon for Tony to buy back a cue, at more than cost, if it didn’t meet its owner’s expectations.
The Boar is a great character with an unbelievable thirst for knowledge. He questions everything and wants to be shown. He is always finding it necessary to produce proof of what he himself asserts. If you’ve been reading these pages you are learning that Tony does nothing without a reason. Each component of Black Boar cues has been researched and proven. Nothing at Black Boar is done without consideration.
The Boar has a penchant for the finer things in life, and is likely to accumulate ancient objects and fine pictures. Has anyone seen the pictures of the shop? “The Quality of Life” section? Need I say more?
Lastly, the Boar is cheerful, loves company, and social life. The policy at the shop is “an open door policy.” Everyone is welcome, the door is always open and you never can tell what might be going on or who might stop by. Tony wouldn’t have it any other way and truly believes his success is due, in some part, to his friends and the atmosphere he has created at the shop.